TRC Marklet practice page

Select an entry in some row or column as a starting place. Then choose TRC-START from your browser's Favorites menu. Then select a later entry in the same row or column (as a stopping place) and choose TRC-STOP from the Favorites menu. Finally, choose "TRC- Process Table" to process the data in that row or column. Afterwards, use "TRC- Clear Markup" to clear the previous markup before processing another row or column.

3 2 5 1 7
4 6 7 9 2
8 1 4 2 3
5 3 1 8 4.5

Markup a row or column of the next table and choose "List" to see how the processing removes any HTML formatting.

Magenta Bold Link Italic
Bigger Italic Link Bold Green Smaller
Smaller Link Bigger Blue Italic Bold No format


TRC Marklets